Thursday 1 December 2011

My Audience Research

To conduct our research, our group decided to create a questionnaire on the website '', we used a series of open and closed questions in order to gain qualitative and quantitative data that would give an insight into the kind of things our audience would like to see in a horror trailer. Click on the link below to see our questionnaire.

Audience research questionnaire

There are many advantages and disadvantages when it comes to choosing a method of research. For example, the type of data that you collect, qualitative data allows you to gain very descriptive data that the audience write themselves. Quantitative data is much less descriptive and is usually presented in a multiple choice format, however this data is much easier to compare and to produce graphs and charts to present the findings.

Also the location of this research determines the reliability of results, we conducted our research online and found all of our answers in one place. We advertised our survey on the social networking site Facebook to encourage people to do the survery, but the range of people who answered our survey were quite limited. We could have used a Face to Face method of collecting data, but decided against it generally for convenience and time.

Luckily, most of the people who answered our survey were actually our target audience which made our results very valid. It would have been pointless in asking a middle aged woman what she thought should be included in a trailer, mainly because she is not our predominant target audience; her opinions may not be applied to 17-24 year old males who actually are our target audience. However, our sample size only consisted of around 30 which is not a very representative sample and so in future a larger size may be better.

1 comment:

  1. Good work. Well done. Was your sample size large enough?
