Tuesday 1 November 2011

Narrative Proposal

The narrative follows a 15 year old girl named Alison; she was recently orphaned as her parents and younger brother were brutally murdered in their home by a mental asylum escapee. Her grandparents move in and begin to take care of Alison, but strange things start happening in the middle of the night such as knives go missing and the pet rabbit is also killed. Alison believes that the murderer is back for her, because previously she hid in the wardrobe and he did not find her. Alison was found hours later after the murders still crouched in the wardrobe, covered in her mother’s blood.
Alison tries to warn her grandparents, friends and even the police about the return of the killer, but no one believe her, and she is banned from leaving the house. The strange things continue happening and gradually get worse, so Alison becomes increasingly scared. Soon, her grandmother is killed and Alison has to find help. She realises that the police will not help her and so has to take matters into her own hands to defeat the killer.
She visits the asylum in which she believes the killer escaped from, but finds nothing. After looking at newspaper articles she finds out the horrifying truth, that no one escaped, but there was someone who was released. As Alison tries to discover who the killer is in order to defeat them she soon realises that the killer is not who she believed it to be. She wakes up with her grandmother’s blood on her hands and it soon becomes clear who actually killed her family.
Alison is the killer, she was released from the mental asylum and within hours of returning home she murdered her entire family. This is the horrifying truth that is revealed at the end of the film when Alison is taken back to the asylum. That in fact Alison was behind the murders the entire time, including her grandmothers, and her memory loss was just a coping mechanism from the terrible deaths.  This is shown very subtly throughout the film, mostly through the responses of people surrounding Alison.  It ends with Alison grieving over her family and locked in a cell, swearing that she will find out who killed them.

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